Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Game v Greenleas on Saturday

After last Saturday's victory, we hope to keep up the form against the Greenleas first team. In October we lost to Greenleas in Wallasey but then we only had 6 players! This Saturday, at home and with a full team, let's show them what we can really do.

Kick off is at 11:00 and all players are asked to meet at 10:30.

It is a real struggle to get everything sorted for the kick off on match days. The goals have to be set up, corner flags put out, the respect barriers put up, the pitch to be checked, the opposition to be met, briefed and league cards exchanges, the referee to be contacted and paid (in cash!), the players to be warmed up, the tactics to be explained, the starting 7 to be chosen and positions sorted, the captain to be chosen and introduced to the referee and the first aid kit and water bottles to be brought and taken to the half way line.

And then everything has to be put away again after. This is too much for one person and the u12s and u16s have a team of parents helping each Saturday so the coach can concentrate on getting the team prepared. Offers from parents to take on the responsibility of getting the pitch ready and everything put away at the end would make match days easier for all of us.