Saturday, January 29, 2011

Frozen off

The Birkenhead Youth game has been called off and we apologise to those who had set off.

Given the frost in Chester we checked with the manager at 8am as to whether the Delph would be playable. He advised that he thought it would be but would go down. At 8:15 we called off the u12s game at Waverton because of the frost to stop the other team from travelling from the Wirral. At 8:30 we set off and then at 8:50 we got the apologetic call from the Birkenhead manager to say the Delph was unplayable because of the frost. We believe that a decision should have been taken earlier, as we had done with our pitches, but there was nothing we could do about it. We managed to contact everyone en route but still we should have known earlier.

The February fixtures are still not known, again another disappointing position which makes it very difficult for us to find a referee and book the pitch, let alone for the parents and girls to make plans. We will have a game somewhere next Saturday.

Enjoy the weekend. See everyone at training on Monday.

Coming up on the website soon - player profiles.